7/31 Wednesday Afternoon (Day 5)We had a hard time finding small roads that went anywhere. Most all of the small roads dead ended or looped back to the main road. But...we finally found one and turned off on it. We took several photos of roads that weren't quite straight.
We then started to look for a place to stay, and could not find one. By the time we found one we were back to the main road we left from in Roanoke quite some time before. We just made a big loop, but it was a nice drive. In part of the loop, we were driving along and a truck flashed his lights at us & I thought he was saying to turn on mine, so I did. A mile or so down the road, was a road stop. 2 police cars were in the road with the lights flashing. They only wanted to check us out and we could go. So we asked them where to stay, and he headed us back towards Lexington, VA. Oh well, like I said, they were nice roads. < Wednesday Morning (Day 5) - Wednesday Afternoon (Day 5) - Thursday (Day 6)> |
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