7/31 Wednesday Morning (Day 5)

We started the day on some of the small back roads again and were quite happy to find this sign.

This photo just looks like it turns to the right, but if you click it to see the larger photo, you can just barely tell something different. If you look ahead, you can see that the road actually zig zags back and forth as you drive along. Yea, it was a good road :)

We stopped to get gas & I talked to the guy at the pump behind us. He had a Wrangler, so it was a Jeep thing :) He suggested we drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. So, off we headed, and we drove it for 100+ miles. We stopped at several overlooks and a gift center and took photos.

After several hours, we decided it was nice driving, but it all looked the same. So we decided to take some of the smaller roads again.

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