As soon as we found it, we headed for the restaurant to eat. They found Shawbee's Big Dawg Saloon. They served some of the food in dog bowls.
Right next door you could get your Liquor Quicker.
Once we finished eating, we headed for the bridge, but first we had to cross the Beaver Dam. We had to take everyone on the Dam Tour.
By the bridge is a little park, so we parked & checked out the bridge.
There is a spring right at the end of the bridge under this little building. Below is the sign that was by it.
The bridge is on the National Register of Historic Places. Click the photo to enlarge.
This is a garage that is by the bridge. We thought that it was interesting that it is an in ground garage & the roof has a patio overlooking the river & bridge.
Click to enlarge
After finding the bridge many where ready to go back to the lodge, but the day was just beginning. Pat & I where not ready to stop for the day, so we said bye to everyone & continued our drive for the day :) One of the things we found that we thought was neat was this Denny's. The entire thing looked like stainless steal or chrome. It's hard to tell in the little photo. Even if you click the photo to enlarge it, it is still tough to tell. But trust us, it was very shinny :)
We didn't take many pictures the rest of the day, but we would take one as we entered each state for lack of anything else to take a photo of.
59 goes close to past Pat's house. So we had to get a photo that we where it :)
We could have gone to Miami, but didn't really have time. Figured it would be a long haul from Oklahoma.
We are helping with a WCMC tour to Galena, IL. So we had to get a photo that we where within 2 miles. Maybe this is the route we should take to get there...hmm...might not fit into a one day tour.