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Day 6 (Thursday Rafting 1)

We got up this morning and first thing we had to do was check some of our clothes. They did not get dry in the dryer last night, so we had to see if they finished drying while hanging over night. Nope they did not. So back to the dryer we went. It was nice, it was right next to our door, so it was not a long walk :)

As we were packing, there was a van parked next to us that was packed to the top with stuff. We talked to the people in the van, and it was a Mom, I would guess her Mom was also with them (or the Grandma), and 3 kids from 13months to 13 years. Man was that a van full to travel with. We were happy it was only the two of us and the Miata.

So we left and started heading for our destination for the day. Along the way we followed some rivers, and they were nice white waters. We even saw some rafts going down them, so we stopped and took some photos.

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